Piano Lessons & Performance
in Clovis, CA
Now enrolling for private lessons in-person or over zoom for all ages 7 and older, including Adults. All levels taught including beginner, intermediate, advanced, and adults at any level!
Keyboards From Heaven is a seamless melding of 15 favorite classics such as Moonlight Sonata and Clair De Lune, Instrumental sacred hymns, and original orchestral compositions.
Listeners say it’s the perfect album for a restful night of sleep, creative inspiration, or setting a joyous and peaceful mood.
Laura is a classically trained pianist, teacher, author, and owner of Allegro Piano School, located in Clovis California. Her mission is to share the joy and healing power of music.
Laura is a classically trained pianist, teacher, author, and owner of Allegro Piano School, located in the Central Valley in California. Her mission is to share the joy and healing power of music.
She has taught private and group piano for over 30 years, sharing her enthusiasm for music with students of all ages. In 2012 she opened Allegro Piano School in Clovis, California, teaching the Musical Moments “Way Cool” Keyboarding curriculum.
Her live concerts feature piano performances, visual effects, and inspirational speaking, creating a beautiful and healing space for concert-goers.
She is in the process of publishing a book titled "This is a Test" which will be available soon for pre-order.